It is the Easter weekend and I as a Christian ponder about the power of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. What happened between heaven and earth these days still has a value in my life and moves me.

Quite literally between the heavens and the earth I felt during my recent visit with my husband to the Mediterranean island Mallorca. We stayed in charming Deià. The setting is breathtaking with alpine mountains falling right into the blue sea. Instead of warm spring weather – which I was desperately seeking for – we were welcomed by cold weather and many, many clouds that were stuck in the mountain peaks. Only one day it was dry and mild and that was when we slipped into our hiking boots and walked from Deià to Valdemosse via Mount Caragolí’s peak. Both scenes I photographed, experimenting with my new second-hand Exakta 28 – 210 mm lense (and new mobile phone).

Hiking many altitude meters in a short time and tricked by optics that we were “almost there” for a couple hours, we both started to be frustrated. Speaking frankly, I became angry. Angry at my husband at first, angry at my life, and finally angry at myself. Funny how all these negative emotions dissolved once I was at the top of the mountain (and thank God we can take each other’s’ tantrums).

In retrospective I realize once more that hiking is not only a physical but also spiritual activity for me. It is similar with other hikes I did. When hiking, I am confronted with so many positive and negative emotions which often overwhelm me. Those are the moments when I cling to the hope that whatever happened between the heavens and the earth many many years ago will bring clarity, wisdom, joy and sometimes change inside me.

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