Welcome to MalinArt.de! This homepage takes you on a journey through my illustrationsphotography.

As a child, I was always close to some kind of pen and created tons of pictures. As a teenager and young adult, school, university and other engagements kept me from this activity, but in 2015 I finally found back to this old love. I mostly draw with a pencil and fineliner and I color with Copic markers.

I believe that my travels to many places in the world and the pictures I took there played a big part in reviving my passion to draw. Therefore, I decided to include my travel photography as a blog on my homepage, which will hopefully give you a complementary picture of my cultural and environmental encounters. Short stories will further complete the images.

This homepage documents my work, but is also supposed to give you the opportunity to get in touch with me if you have any question or enquiries! I would love to assist you if you wish to receive an original or a copy of my pictures, or work on an idea that you have. Please refer to the contact page or use my email in the upper left corner.

A short intro about me: I am from Hamburg in Germany but I have lived a few years in Berlin. After residing  in the North and East of the country, I now live in the very West. I hold a degree in Urban and Regional Planning (Hamburg and Berlin); my studies took me to many places around the world (you will see). I love my family and friends, I love to play volleyball, I love to hike and – of course – I love to draw.

Thank you for your time and interest, enjoy!
Malin Praktiknjo
